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SVM: The beast from another country


At Severn Valley Motorsport, we are known for crazy builds involving GTR's, like our Hulk GTR, or the Nissan Qashqai R build, and this GTR we are going to talk about is certainly up there with it. And, as the title suggests, it is not from our home country, the UK.

This GTR is completely changed on the outside with a Bensopra body kit, and also has been modified under to bonnet to be able to make around 2000hp. This GTR is most definitely the craziest looking one without a doubt.

Now, onto the par that makes this GTR even more interesting. it has come over all the way from Qatar to receive some work from us. we have given it a full engine build in the past to be able to push it to 2000hp, and it is no doubt a head turner.

Here is just a small list of what we have done to this beast:

4.0l All billet

ASNU new multy 6 throttle inlet

76mm turbos

ETS race coolers

Syvecs tune

and much, much more.

Safe to say, this GTR is certainly insane, both inside and outside. The body kit is absolutely insane, making the car much wider, moving the exhausts up the bumper and turning them into centre exits, and the massive chassis mounted wing on the back is something that can't be missed, just like the rest of the car, and it certainly matches the style of the rest of the car. All the upgrades in the engine are crazy too, since it pushes the car to 2000hp. The power of the matches the look of the car.

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